As the saying goes, “Rising tides lift all boats.” Here at Wells Print and Digital Services, it is our belief that when we aim for the highest standards, we can’t help but lift others up along with us. Along those same lines, organized labor has been a “rising tide” for American workers, improving the lives of all working citizens – unionized or not – by ensuring the passage of laws ending child labor, improving on-the-job safety, and establishing standards for fair work hours, wages, and benefits. The men and women behind Wells Print and Digital Services believe that unions have made our country a better place to live and work, and our strong commitment to serving the needs of organized labor stems from this conviction.
Unionized in 1936, Wells Print and Digital Services is part of a proud union tradition in the printing industry. We offer an array of online services specifically tailored to meet the needs of labor-based organizations. We are sensitive to both budget and time constraints, and our products are guaranteed to be both cost-effective and of the highest quality. Whether you’re a member of a labor union yourself, or simply want to support organized labor as best you can, we have the products, services and expertise to get the job done. And, with Allied Printing Trade Council membership, you and your members can rest assured that our highly skilled employees are treated with fair wages, hours, and benefits.
“I get to manage people with respect, not out of fear. A lot of that is because of the union – they know they have a voice.”